Vision, Mission and Goal

We glorify God by making disciples of students in Pocahontas, AR. 


6:30pm - 8:00pm • Midweek


Sunday School at 9:30 am



Effective student ministry is done by the entire church. Each student in First Baptist Student Ministry stays in contact with at least five adults in the church for various aspects of discipleship.



Parents are the primary teachers in their children's lives. The best way to support student ministry at church is to do student ministry in your home. Meet with your kids every week in Bible study and prayer.

Prayer Mentor

Prayer Mentors are given the names of three students to pray for and support everyday.

Midweek Mentor

Midweek Mentors meet with the same small group of students every Wednesday night. Mentors pray and discuss life with their students. Mentoring is about being a great listener.

Small Group Leaders

Small Group Leaders meet with students during the Sunday School hour and occasionally Sunday evenings. Students are divided into age and gender groups to meet specific needs.

Minister of Youth

The Minister of Youth grows relationships with students and their families. The Minister of Youth is a Facilitator.