We are gearing up for summer and that means CHURCH CAMP! Before you make it to camp, there are a few things you need to know. Here we have the Camp Rules and the "What to Bring" list. Please make sure you have read both of these items before you make it to Church Camp.
Rules to Survive Camp
1. Everything in our camp belongs to God, treat it as such. No defacing of camp property in any manner.
2. Fighting, foul language, stealing and other non-christian conduct will guarantee that a Camp Director will get to meet your parents or guardian.
3. Your attendance is required at all scheduled events.
4. No one will leave the camp, receive visitors, or make phone calls unless approved by a Camp Director.
5. No one will use their personal vehicles for any purpose during the camp.
6. Cabin and Grounds are to be kept clean at all times. Morning cabin cleanups are required. No camper will be allowed to leave the campgrounds on Friday until the campgrounds are in order.
7. Dress with christian modesty in mind. No tight fitting apparel will be permitted at any time. No clothing with musicians, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or any other questionable logos, no halter tops, tank tops, bare midriffs, see-through tops, shorts that are more than six inches above the knee and no spandex will be permitted.
8. Swimming is allowed during designated times with lifeguard supervision. Girls and boys will swim at separate times. Boys are allowed to wear trunks. Girls are allowed to wear once piece suits and two piece suits. Two piece suits for girls must be covered by a t-shirt
9. Boys and girls are not allowed in each others cabins.
10. All medications must be checked in with the camp nurse on the day of arrival.
11. No alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs or paraphernalia, music devices, video games, cell phones, computers, iPods, tablets, firearms, fireworks, or T.V.s will be permitted.
These rules are not optional and apply to all staff, counselors and campers.
What to Bring
Bedding: sheets, pillow, blanket, etc.
Toiletries: soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, comb, brush, hair dryer, deodorant, lotion, etc.
Clothing: several pairs of underwear, jeans, pants, dresses, swim suits, swim trunks, shorts, a good pair of shoes, raincoat, light jacket, etc.
Other: snacks, money for concession stand, material for the Talent Show (children's camp only), etc.
Parents are welcome to visit camp worship services. Visitors who eat in the cafeteria must pay $3.50 for each meal. Youth who leave camp early must sign out with the Camp Director and make sure his/her area is cleaned. Campers who leave early are not eligible for camp awards.
Special Features
Monday- Movie Night
Tuesday- Ice Cream
Block Party (Children), Campfire (Youth)
Talent Show (Children)
TBA (Youth)
Camp Schedule
Please be at the FBC Pocahontas parking lot no later than 11:00am Monday, June 8th. We will leave as soon as everyone arrives and everything is in order.
We will leave the campground on Friday June 12th at approximately 10:00am and should arrive at the FBC Pocahontas parking lot at approximately 11:30am. You may pick up your campers early as long as you check out with a Camp Director. (Eric Moffett, Chase Crawford, Daniel Plemons or Don Settles)